We compiled a list of some of the funniest Yoda memes on the internet. The memes you are about to read can be filled with wisdom, satire, and even be cheesy at times. Luke Skywalker would never have become a Jedi and would likely have turned to the dark side if it weren't for Yoda. Yoda is one of the most influential characters in Star Wars because of his Jedi mastery, battle meditation, and vital foresight. Hopefully, by now, everyone has seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi it is a worthy addition to Star Wars. Before the section where the spoiler appears, it says 'Spoiler Alert,' so you won't accidentally read it. It reveals a small Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoiler. Beware of one meme description on this list. The Last Jedi contained more action sequences than its predecessor and a scene with Yoda which had a dramatic effect on the story. It was brilliant of Disney to include Yoda in the recently released Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The original image is a from 2004 painting titled Dogma by the surrealist painter Viktor Safonkin. The picture, often used to describe dislike of someone's opinion, has become an exploitable. In the Empire Strike Back, Yoda said: “Wars not make one great” instead of 'wars do not make one great.' Yoda's sentences are often short and challenging to understand, but are filled with wisdom. 'It Says You Are Gay' is a catchphrase paired with a painting of an elder scholar pointing a book while speaking to a child to create an image macro. Yoda, a short green goblin, speaks irregularly and in short fragments. The Star Wars original trilogy gave us characters with whom we share a connection.