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What a great surprise to wake up to a hot naked delivery man crawling in bed to fuck you. Alec gets Fabien up on the kitchen table to eat him from head to toe and fuck him hard.įinally finds the address where he's delivering a parcel, and after coming in through an unlocked door, finds Johan asleep naked in bed. When Fabien arrives to deliver some groceries to Alec, he gets a much better tip than he ever hoped for. The sex lives of these 6 hot guys collide when the doorbell rings! Videoboys delivers the French Canadian goods again with all-out hot, muscleboy-on-twink big-dicked xxx action!

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When these delivery boys come knocking, they always deliver the whole package! From muscleboy courier JP Jackson delivering a package of thick, eight inch cock to insatiable bottom Johan Lapointe to baby-faced delivery boy Facien Dutroux delivering his smooth ass at no extra charge.

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